5th International Ecosocialist Encounters – 21-23 January 2022
Summary of Costs
Travel costs | 13,000€ |
Food costs | 2,700€ |
Venue | 2,100€ |
Internet connection support | 1,700€ |
Translation equipment | 1,400€ |
Workshop materials | 700€ |
Comrade accommodation | 500€ |
Zoom add-on for interpretation | 200€ |
Printouts | (self-financed) |
TOTAL COSTS | 22,300€ |
Summary of Support
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Madrid office | 8,000€ |
Climáximo via Global Climate Jobs Conference (supported by Transform Europe!): Travel costs | 5,000€ |
Food payments | 2,300€ |
Climáximo* | 2,200€ |
Climáximo via Glasgow Agreement Conference* : Internet connection support | 1,700€ |
Debt Observatory in Globalisation via Glasgow Agreement Conference: Translation equipment | 1,400€ |
Previous Encounters | 1,100€ |
Donations during the Encounters | 1,100€ |
Ecologistas en Acción | 300€ |
Gune Ekosozialista + ETA + Mitz Fundaziona | 300€ |
Bloco de Esquerda | printouts in kind |
TOTAL SUPPORT | 23,400€ |
* The January conferences of Climáximo are supported by the Urgent Action Fund.
Funds transferred to the next Encounters: 1,100 €
Detailed explanations of budget items
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Madrid office paid 8000€ for the tickets of nine activists from Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America.
Global Climate Jobs Conference, organized by Climáximo and financed by Transform Europe!, paid another 5000€ for the tickets of seven activists from Brazil, Colombia, Ireland, Peru, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Delays in prepayment made us reduce expected meals, increasing the price per meal.
460 meals were prepared for 2,700€ (5.87€/meal),
while the meal prices were kept at 5.00€/meal.
Internet connection
The 2nd Global Conference of the Glasgow Agreement, organized by Climáximo, paid 1700€ to improve internet connection of 21 organizations from Benin, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa, The Gambia, Togo, Uganda, Venezuela, Zambia.
The venue costs are mainly for the extra hours of the workers.
Translation equipment
Bla Collective will be providing the simultaneous translation equipment and support.
The 2nd Global Conference of the Glasgow Agreement, via Debt Observatory in Globalisation, is covering the expenses.
Workshop materials
flip-charts, board-markers, tape, masks and disinfectant
Comrade accommodation
The Human Hotel is providing the platform services for 0.05€/night for all participants, while the organizers paid 500€ for this reduced price policy.
Zoom account
In order to provide simultaneous translation during the preparatory meetings and the online session, Climáximo bought a Premium add-on for 200€ for the Zoom account.
Two more Zoom Plus accounts (without the interpretation option) were provided by PATAV – Plataforma Anti-Transporte de Animais Vivos and Greve Climática Estudantil.
Bloco de Esquerda printed 1,400 posters and 10,000 pamphlets for the Encounters.